Covanta's Chester, PA Trash Incinerator Lacks Basic Pollution Controls

Covanta operates the largest trash incinerator in the U.S. in Chester, PA. That plant uses the fewest pollution control devices of any incinerator in Pennsylvania and the fewest of any in their fleet of 39 incinerators. They lack the controls that remove nitrogen oxides from the air, which cause asthma, and lack the carbon injection devices common to many incinerators, which remove additional toxic metals and dioxins from the air.

In March 2009, when an EPA inspector (Ms. Horgan) asked Covanta's Gene Bonner why they don't have the pollution controls that their other plants have, Covanta responded that "it costs a lot of money" and would create "operational issues." See this quote from page 11 in the full inspection report:

Out of 80 commercial trash incinerators in the U.S. operating as of 2014, 59 use carbon injection and 55 use some form of NOx controls:

AcronymAir Pollution Control DeviceControls# in Use
CIActivated Carbon InjectionMercury, dioxins and other trace organic compounds59
COHPACCompact Hybrid Particulate CollectorParticulate matter1
CYCCyclone SeparatorParticulate matter9
DSIDuct Sorbent (dry) InjectionSulfur dioxide (SO2)9
ESPElectrostatic PrecipitatorParticulate matter14
FFFabric Filter (baghouse)Particulate matter70
FGRFlue Gas RecirculationNitrogen Oxide (NOx)6
FSIFurnace Sorbent (dry) InjectionSulfur dioxide (SO2)3
GSAGas Suspension AbsorberSulfur dioxide (SO2)2
SCRSelect Catalytic ReductionNitrogen Oxide (NOx)0
SDASpray Dryer Absorber (scrubber)Acid gases, heavy metals, and organic pollutants71
SNCRSelect Non-Catalytic ReductionNitrogen Oxide (NOx)49

Pennsylvania Incinerators:

StateCityFacility NameTons/Day# of ControlsAir Pollution Control Systems
PABainbridgeLancaster County Resource Recovery Facility1,2005SDA; FF; SNCR; CI; FSI
PAMorrisvilleWheelabrator Falls Inc.1,5004SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
PAConshohockenCovanta Plymouth Renewable Energy1,2164SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
PAHarrisburgHarrisburg Resource Recovery Facility8004SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
PAYorkYork Resource Recovery Center/Montenay York1,3443SDA; FF, CI
PAChesterDelaware Valley Resource Recovery Facility3,5102SDA; FF

Covanta Incinerators:

StateCityFacility NameTons/Day# of ControlsAir Pollution Control Systems
NJNewarkEssex County Resource Recovery Facility2,8006SDA; FF; ESP; SNCR; CI; CYC
ORBrooksMarion County Solid Waste-to-Energy Facility5506SDA; FF; SNCR; CI; CYC; DSI
MAWest WarehamSEMASS Resource Recovery Facility2,7005SDA; ESP; COHPAC (Units 1 & 2) SDA; FF; SNCR (Unit 3)
NYNiagara FallsNiagara Falls Resource Recovery Facility2,2505SDA; FF; SNCR; CI; ESP
FLFort MyersLee County Resource Recovery Facility1,8365SDA; FF; SNCR; CI; FGR
MDDickersonMontgomery County Resource Recovery Facility1,8005FSI; SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
PABainbridgeLancaster County Resource Recovery Facility1,2005SDA; FF; SNCR; CI; FSI
OKTulsaWalter B. Hall Resource Recovery Facility1,1255CI; CYC; FF; SNCR; SDA
MAAgawamPioneer Valley Resource Recovery Facility4085FGR; DSI; FF; CI, CYC
VALortonI-95 Energy-Resource Recovery Facility (Fairfax)3,0004SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
NYWestburyHempstead Resource Recovery Facility2,6714SDA; FF; SNCR; CYC
FLMiamiMiami-Dade County Resource Recovery Facility2,5924SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
INIndianapolisIndianapolis Resource Recovery Facility2,1754SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
FLTampaHillsborough County Resource Recovery Facility1,8004SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
MAHaverhillHaverhill Resource Recovery Facility1,6504SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
NJRahwayUnion County Resource Recovery Facility1,5004SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
PAConshohockenCovanta Plymouth Renewable Energy1,2164SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
FLSpring HillPasco County Resource Recovery Facility1,0504SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
NYJamesvilleOnondaga County Resource Recovery Facility9904SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
VAAlexandriaAlexandria/Arlington Resource Recovery Facility9754SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
CACrows LandingStanislaus County Resource Recovery Facility8004SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
PAHarrisburgHarrisburg Resource Recovery Facility8004SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
NYBabylonBabylon Resource Recovery Facility7504SDA; FF; CI; CYC
NYEast NorthportHuntington Resource Recovery Facility7504SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
ALHuntsvilleHuntsville Solid Waste-to-Energy Facility6904SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
CTPrestonSoutheastern Connecticut Resource Recovery Facility6894SDA; FF; CI; SNCR
CTBristolBristol Resource Recovery Facility6504SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
MIGrand RapidsKent County Waste-to-Energy Facility6254SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
FLOkahumpkaLake County Resource Recovery Facility5284SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
NJOxford TownshipWarren Energy Resource Company4484SDA; FF; SNCR; CI
MAPittsfieldPittsfield Resource Recovery Facility3604FGR; ESP; CI; Packed Tower Scrubber
CALong BeachSoutheast Resource Recovery Facility (SERRF)1,3803SDA; FF; SNCR;
PAYorkYork Resource Recovery Center/Montenay York1,3443SDA; FF, CI
NJCamdenCamden Resource Recovery Facility1,0503SDA; ESP; CI
MNMinneapolisHennepin Energy Resource Co.1,0003SDA; FF; CI
CTWallingfordWallingford Resource Recovery Facility4202SDA; FF
NYRonkonkomaMacArthur Waste-to-Energy Facility4862SDA; FF
HIHonoluluHonolulu Resource Recovery Venture—HPOWER3,0002SDA; FF
PAChesterDelaware Valley Resource Recovery Facility3,5102SDA; FF

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