• First Newsletter

    Newsletter Edition – Thursday, June 18th, 2010 Join Energy Justice Network at the US Social Forum 2010 in Detroit! ——————————————————– Workshop #1 Mapping for Justice: Open Source, Dirty Energy and Waste Facilities ——————————————————– http://organize.ussf2010.org/ws/mapping-justice-open-source-dirty-energ… Wed, 06/23/2010 – 10:00am – 12:00pm Woodward Academy Room 1449 Energy Justice Network is creating a space to share critical information…

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  • Flywheel energy storage makes 100% wind and solar possible

    We can meet all of our electricity needs with wind and solar. But what about when the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining? Coal, nuclear and natural gas make up 88% of the U.S. electricity mix. There are several answers to the myth that intermittent energy sources like wind and solar can’t replace…

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  • Maryland Seeking to Becomes the Nation’s Burn-Capitol

    Maryland’s state legislators are at it for a four year in a row, pushing bills that would increase trash and biomass incineration in their state and region. In 2011, the state became the first, and only, to put trash burning in competition with wind power in its renewable energy mandate. Now, over half of the energy used to meet…

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  • To Win Ohio and Pennsylvania, Obama Must Oppose Fracking

    by Alex Lotorto This morning, I was sipping coffee and watching Sunday morning talk shows with my parents. We talked about the presidential election when my dad muted the commercial breaks that consistently included fossil fuel industry commercials. My mom put it simply, “I made phone calls, put up posters, and worked at the [Obama]…

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  • Occupy Earth Day: An Expose of the Corporate Propaganda Systems that Undermine Systemic Change Activism

    This Earth Day, like so many others, we’ll be invited to pick up litter, plant trees, be reminded to recycle, and countless other personal habits we can adopt to save the earth. Corporations pitching “green” products will bust out their “Lorax-approved” logos and encourage our “green” consumption. This will be the first Earth Day since…

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  • Bold Energy Justice Platform Released!

    After a year of work with numerous grassroots leaders throughout the U.S., our network of activists fighting “biomass” incinerators has put together a bold and comprehensive platform to guide and unite our work. Since so-called “biomass” incineration cuts across many issues, including energy and waste policy as well as agriculture and forestry issues, it makes sense that…

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  • Trash and Biomass Incineration Worse for the Climate than Coal

    After bringing together the nation’s grassroots “No New Coal Plants” network in 2006, helping stop over 100 coal plant proposals, we’ve focused back on biomass and trash incinerators, which are far more polluting, expensive and worse for the climate. On climate pollution, here’s where they fall: Please note that, especially with the practice of fracking, natural gas is actually…

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  • Help Energy Justice Help You

    Friends: We’ve always done excellent work on a shoe-string budget.  Our small crew has been providing critical support to community environmental leaders all over the U.S., enabling countless victories against coal, gas, incineration and other existing and proposed polluters. We need to raise $50,000 to bring us through 2013.  We aimed to raise $10,000 of that…

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  • Study: solar, wind and storage can provide 99.9% of power By 2030

    A new study has determined that renewables could economically fully power a utility scale electric grid 99.9% of the time by 2030 – and without government subsidies, if the proper mix is implemented.  This new study affirms what we’ve been saying for a decade now: we don’t need nuclear, coal, oil, gas, biomass/incineration or other dirty energy sources.  We can…

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  • San Francisco reports record 80% diversion rate

    This is from October 2012, but still worth celebrating. We keep dealing with communities where local officials want to pursue incineration (not realizing that it’s the most expensive and polluting way to make energy or to dispose of waste) while they haven’t even tried to get serious about zero waste programs (redesign / reduce / reuse / recycle…

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EJ Communities Map

Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

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