• On the Dirty Energy Policy Front

    by Mike Ewall, Energy Justice Network While Energy Justice Network’s work is mainly focused on helping you win grassroots victories, we’ve had to weigh in on some state and national policies that would have major consequences for how many bad ideas need to be fought. Misguided policies aiming to limit coal or climate pollution continue…

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  • Correction to our Latest Newsletter on Methane

    In our latest Energy Justice Now newsletter, we wrote that “methane is now known to be 86 to 105 worse than CO2 over a 20-year time-frame.” That should have said 86 to 105 times worse. This is now corrected in the full article. For documentation on this, see our natural gas page. Not subscribed? Sign up on our sidebar. Thanks!

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  • VICTORY: NYC Trash Train Plan Derailed in Chester, PA

    We’ve been supporting the Chester Environmental Justice group to “derail” plans to send 500,000 tons/year of trash from the richest part of New York City by train to be burned in the low-income, 75% black City of Chester, near Philadelphia, PA. The plan would fulfill a contract Covanta has with New York City to burn this waste…

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  • Trash Incinerators: Don’t Call it a Comeback

    The New York Times ran an article on Jan 11th, 2015, acting like incinerators are making a comeback, and featuring the huge Energy Answers incinerator proposed in Baltimore as if it’s “being built” (which is not true).  Incinerators are trying to come back, but our movement is effectively beating back the industry almost everywhere they go, with Florida a rare exception.…

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  • Reject the Exelon Takeover of Pepco

    Energy Justice Network testified in D.C. against Exelon energy corporation’s takeover of Pepco, electric service provider to Washington, D.C. and Maryland.  This takeover is a bad deal for the District of Columbia and is not in the public interest. It would hit DC ratepayers with higher electricity bills, would undermine renewable energy and would not…

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  • WE WON!! Environmental Justice Victory in DC, as Mayor Pulls Incinerator Contract

    – by Mike Ewall, Energy Justice Network We just stopped Washington, DC from approving a $36-78 million contract that was awarded to Covanta to burn the District’s waste for the next 5-11 years. In a rigged bidding process, the city allowed just four incinerators (no landfills) to bid to take 200,000 tons of waste a…

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  • VICTORY! DC Denies Exelon-Pepco Merger

    DC’s Public Service Commission just shot down the plan for the nation’s largest nuclear utility, Exelon, to buy Pepco, the electric utility that services the Washington, DC area and a few neighboring states. This is a huge victory for ratepayers and the environment, since Exelon wanted to have the extra millions of ratepayers to push…

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  • Family defends maple syrup trees from gas pipeline

    Now through the end of March: Come up to Susquehanna County and defend the Holleran family’s maple syrup grove from being cut down for a gas pipeline! http://wnep.com/2016/02/01/trees-on-chopping-block-for-natural-gas-pipe… “A family’s maple syrup operation is in jeopardy in Susquehanna County…” Tags <natural gas> <pipeline>

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  • Where U.S. Energy Comes From:

    Want to know where U.S. energy currently comes from? Check out this new series of charts we just updated, based on data through August 2016, with projections for all of 2016. Find all of them here: www.energyjustice.net/energysources Here are some of the highlights: See more at www.energyjustice.net/energysources

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  • Are Carbon Taxes Another False Solution?

    – by Mike Ewall, Energy Justice Network October 2014 Carbon taxes are emerging as a major top-down climate solution enviros would like to see come out of Congress.  Plenty of “tax carbon” signs were present in the 400,000-strong People’s Climate March in New York City last month.  Even U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is urging nations to…

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