Category: Blog entry

  • Trash and Biomass Incineration Worse for the Climate than Coal

    After bringing together the nation’s grassroots “No New Coal Plants” network in 2006, helping stop over 100 coal plant proposals, we’ve focused back on biomass and trash incinerators, which are far more polluting, expensive and worse for the climate. On climate pollution, here’s where they fall: Please note that, especially with the practice of fracking, natural gas is actually…

  • Help Energy Justice Help You

    Friends: We’ve always done excellent work on a shoe-string budget.  Our small crew has been providing critical support to community environmental leaders all over the U.S., enabling countless victories against coal, gas, incineration and other existing and proposed polluters. We need to raise $50,000 to bring us through 2013.  We aimed to raise $10,000 of that…

  • Study: solar, wind and storage can provide 99.9% of power By 2030

    A new study has determined that renewables could economically fully power a utility scale electric grid 99.9% of the time by 2030 – and without government subsidies, if the proper mix is implemented.  This new study affirms what we’ve been saying for a decade now: we don’t need nuclear, coal, oil, gas, biomass/incineration or other dirty energy sources.  We can…

  • San Francisco reports record 80% diversion rate

    This is from October 2012, but still worth celebrating. We keep dealing with communities where local officials want to pursue incineration (not realizing that it’s the most expensive and polluting way to make energy or to dispose of waste) while they haven’t even tried to get serious about zero waste programs (redesign / reduce / reuse / recycle…

  • Allentown Residents for Clean Air bring Incinerator Issue to the Voters

    An experimental trash and sewage sludge incinerator, planned in the heart of the Hispanic community in the City of Allentown, Pennsylvania is being challenged by Allentown Residents for Clean Air (ARCA). The group just submitted over 2,000 signatures to put a Clean Air Ordinance we wrote on the November ballot as an initiative. If this ballot initiative passes, Delta Thermo Energy will…

  • VICTORY against Maryland’s “Waste Portfolio Standard” — the Latest Creative Way to Prop Up Incinerators

    – by Mike Ewall What does an incinerator industry do when they can’t compete?  Change the rules.  Biomass and trash incinerators are the most expensive way to make energy, and trash incineration costs more than directly landfilling the waste.  These industries survive to the extent that they can change the rules to get monopoly waste contracts, become ‘renewable’ energy…

  • Great news about Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor

    Congratulations to Citizens Awareness Network and NIRS! Vermont Yankee is finally scheduled to close next year.

  • Baltimore students rally against giant waste incinerator

    Yesterday, we joined the high school students in Baltimore for their excellent 100-strong march/rally against a plan for the nation’s largest waste incinerator, planned by Energy Answers within a mile of their school in one of the nation’s most polluted zip codes. It would burn 4,000 tons/day of trash, tires, shredded cars and wood waste, not…

  • Thanks for the Support!

    Our end of the year fundraising drive raised a record $10,000 in donations! Thanks to everyone for the support and we will be fighting hard for and with you in 2014.

  • Tire Burner Stopped in White Deer, PA!

    First major victory of the year… a community we’ve been supporting since October 2011 to stop a planned tire incinerator just won! In White Deer Township, Union County, Pennsylvania, En-Tire Logistics proposed the White Deer Energy Project, which would have burned tires to power the National Gypsum plant next door. The company pulled out of the project, withdrawing…