Category: Uncategorized

  • How to Blog

    We want grassroots activists and other Energy Justice supporters to blog on our website. First you can email Aaron to apply to get an account.  Let us know who you are, any groups you are involved in, and what topics you might write about.  Aaron will review the application to make sure you aren’t a…

  • Amidst Opposition, a Conference and Industry in Crisis

    Amidst Opposition, a Conference and Industry in Crisis – by Will Bennington, Global Justice Ecology Project  (Photo: Orin Langelle/ Hundreds of activists descended upon Asheville, North Carolina in May for a week of major protests at the international bi-annual Tree Biotechnology conference. The conference, hosted by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), is a major…

  • Documents revealed from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to DC’s Department of Public Works (DPW)

    Energy Justice & Sierra Club FOIA Request to DC Department of Public Works (1/3/2014) Response Letter (2/11/2014) and full raw FOIA response (58 MB zip file) Energy Justice FOIA Request to DC Department of Public Works (4/20/2013) Privilege Log (list of what they redacted and why)

  • Biomass Health Study a Smokescreen?

    A study on the health risks from a biomass power incinerator proposed for Placer County, California contains “several fallacies,” according to Norma Kreilein, MD, a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A Health Impact Assessment of the Proposed Cabin Creek Biomass Energy Facility in Placer County, California claims that the construction of the 2.2 megawatt Cabin Creek…

  • Report: Biomass Dirtier Than Coal

    Friends of the Earth (England, Wales, and Northern Ireland), Greenpeace, and the UK’s Royal Society for the Protection of Birds denounce burning trees for electricity as a greater threat to the climate over the coming decades than burning coal, the dirtiest fossil fuel, in a report released in November.  The report, Dirtier Than Coal: Why Government plans to subsidise…

  • Mercury in Waste Coal

    Mercury in Waste Coal

    Above chart from “Mercury and Utilities: Current Control Technologies” (7/31/2001 EPA presentation, page 6), based on EPA’s 1999 Information Collection Request (ICR) (download raw data or view their summary data in Excel. More concise summary data comparing BTU, mercury and sulfur content of coals by region available from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information…

  • The Myth of Clean Coal

    The Myth of Clean Coal: Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plants IGCC Fact sheet (2 page handout version) IGCC Fact sheet (longer version)

  • Mercury

    Above chart from “Mercury and Utilities: Current

  • Burning Issues with Biomass

    The Burning Issues with Biomass by Mike Ewall Green energy to bring us wind mills AND incinerators

  • Conserving Heating Fuels

    Conserving Heating Fuels The upcoming winter promises to be a painful one for millions of consumers across the country. Dramatically higher prices for winter heating fuels threaten the pocketbooks of many consumers and could deliver a multi-billion dollar blow to the nation’s economy. Even in warm-weather parts of the country, rising fuel prices will have…