Will New Hampshire Ratepayers be Forced to Pay More for Dirty Energy?

New Hampshire legislators will be voting on September 13, 2018 on whether to override the governor’s veto of SB365, a bill that would provide $68 million in subsidies to seven of the state’s 13 largest industrial air polluters: the trash incinerator in Concord, and six tree-burning “biomass” incinerators. This would raise the rates of Eversource and Unitil customers by at an estimated $60-75/year (and possibly as much as $120/year), according to state agencies. There is no clean energy in this bill — only dirty energy subsidies. Please help stop us SB 365, by taking action below.

See our new factsheet: The Double Cost of Biomass Incineration – factsheet on how New Hampshire Senate Bill 365 would subsidize seven uneconomical biomass and trash incinerators in the state, hitting our health AND pocketbooks.

Incinerators are the biggest polluters in nearly half of New Hampshire’s counties:

Senate Bill 365 would force Unitil and Eversource customers to pay about $60 more per year according to the bill’s own analysis by the NH Public Utility Commission. See pages 6-8 here. The state’s Office of Consumer Advocate has indicated it could be as much as twice that amount.

This is to protect seven uneconomical incinerators, six that burn trees, and one in Concord that burns trash, feeding many millions per year to these companies. These facilities are among the state’s 13 largest air polluters. Spread throughout half of the state’s counties, most are the largest air polluters in their counties, by far. See the factsheet for details.


  1. Sign onto this alert to email your state representatives.
  2. Follow up with a phone call to your state representatives, asking them NOT to override the veto on SB 365.

    Find your reps here.





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