Tag: bioenergy

  • Biomass Energy Drives Wood Shortage in Nova Scotia

    –  Rachel Brighton, October 10, 2014, The Chronicle Herald [More evidence of biomass energy competing for limited wood source.] Opening up long-term access to western Crown lands will relieve some of the pressure that has been building in the forestry sector this year. This week the province announced that 16 sawmills and manufacturers had been granted…

  • Vermont: The Little State that Could?

    – by Rachel Smolker, Biofuelwatch nosagbigsign I am fortunate to live in the tiny state of Vermont, a state that has boldly led the way on so many issues it’s hard to list them all. We were the first to pass same-sex marriage and to take serious steps to make health care accessible to all.…

  • Are Dirty Energy Opponents NIMBY? Proving Industry Wrong

    It’s typical for energy developers facing community resistance to proposed facilities to try to discredit opponents by calling them NIMBY (Not in My Backyard), steering the argument away from health and environmental impacts to simply one of aesthetics. Corporate profiteers argue that local opposition doesn’t have a problem with a given energy technology itself — so long…

  • EPA Proposal Classifies Wood Fuel from Construction, Demolition

    [Biomass industry pushing for even less regulation of their dirtiest fuel source. -Ed.] – by Erin Voegele, March 27, 2014. Source: Biomass Magazine Biomass industry On March 27, the U.S. EPA released a proposed rule to amend its Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials regulation under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The NHSM rule was finalized in February…

  • Nippon Temporarily Shut Down Because of Biomass Fuel Problems at Power Plant

    – by Paul Gottlieb, February 27, 2014. Source: Peninsula Daily News PORT ANGELES — Fuel-system problems with Nippon Paper Industries USA’s newly expanded biomass cogeneration plant have caused a two-week shutdown of the mill, according to a union official. Darrel Reetz, vice president of the Association of Western Pulp & Paper Workers Local 155, said Thursday…

  • Biomass Industry Needs to Prepare for Water Constraints

    – by Phil Ciciora, March 5, 2014. Source: University of Illinois News Office Debates surrounding the sustainability of bioenergy have emerged in recent years relating to water quality and quantity, and those debates will only grow louder as big urban areas in the U.S. start running out of water and environmental groups and the Environmental Protection…

  • Biofuel Producer Warns of Default, Bankruptcy

    – by Christopher Martin, March 18, 2014. Source: Bloomberg Businessweek [Read more about Khosla: Cellulosic Ethanol: A Bio-Fool’s Errand -Ed.] Kior Inc. (KIOR:US), the Vinod Khosla-backed operator of the first U.S. commercial-scale cellulosic biofuel plant, fell the most on record after management told regulators they have serious doubts about staying in business. Kior declined 41 percent to 63 cents…

  • Genetically Engineered Trees as Biofuel Feedstock

    [Now that corn ethanol has fallen out of favor politically, the bioenergy industry will be focusing more and more on forests.] – by Alex Maragos, November 28, 2014, WLFI Ethanol made from corn already powers millions of cars and trucks on the road, but a group of researchers at Purdue University wants to make biofuel better.…

  • UK Biomass Project Halted, Developer Blames “erosion of support” for Biomass

    UK biomass project halted, developer blames “erosion of support” for biomass – by Nina Chestney, March 7, 2014. Source: Reuters Renewable energy developer RES has stopped a 300-million-pound ($500 million) project to build a biomass plant in Northumberland, northeast England, due to what it called inconsistent government subsidies. The 100-megawatt (MW) plant was scheduled to be…

  • Fanning the Northeastern Biomass Flame

    [The biomass industry is teaming up with environmentalists to increase the amount of forests burned for polluting energy in the Great North Woods.] Fanning the Northeastern Biomass Flame – by Joseph Seymour, March 11, 2014. Source: Biomass Magazine Migrating 1 million homes to biomass heat is optimistic—let alone 6 million—but recent developments in the northeastern U.S.…