Tag: dirty energy

  • Bioenergy Capacity Continues to Increase

    – by Erin Voegele, September 26, 2014, Biomass Magazine The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released the September issue of its Electric Power Monthly report, indicating total in-service bioenergy capacity equaled 13,431.4 MW as of the close of July, up from 13,368.4 MW at the close of June. Overall, 313 MW of new bioenergy capacity was…

  • Fossil Fuel Divestment: How to Evolve the Campaign Beyond its Shortcomings

    – by Mike Ewall, Energy Justice Network October 2014 Sometimes, environmental movement campaigns that become very popular aren’t the ones that are the most strategic. Trying to divert the fossil fuel divestment bandwagon to a better path hasn’t been easy (or well-received), but some critical examination is long overdue. As activists like to point out, we…

  • Oregon Site Selected for Biofuel Plant

    – by Eric Mortenson, September 19, 2014, Capital Press Red Rock Biofuels, a subsidiary of IR1 Group of Fort Collins, Colo., will use forest biomass — debris from logging or thinning operations — to produce fuel. It is one of three firms selected for the project, which is intended to produce a combined total of 100…