• Report: Climate Consequences from Logging Forests for Bioenergy

    A new report warns about the potential worsening of climate change from logging Canadian forests for electricity and heat, and recommends a “precautionary approach” regarding the expansion of biomass energy. Forest Biomass Energy Policy in the Maritime Provinces, written by Jamie Simpson for the Halifax, Nova Scotia-based East Coast Environmental Law, evaluates environmental impacts from…

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  • Bioenergy Wrecks the Climate

    – by Ellen Moyer, December 2, 2015, Huffington Post Climate change is telling us to stop pitching pollution into the atmosphere–in much the same way that the bubonic plague taught our ancestors to stop dumping filth into the streets in the Middle Ages. We listened then, but not now. Governments continue paying industries huge bonuses to…

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  • Military Forests to Fuels in Oregon

    – by Chris Zinda, Counterpunch Goose Lake is 26 miles long and 9 miles wide, extending from south central Oregon and into northeastern California where the two meet with Nevada. The lake used to support an endemic form of redband trout that act like ocean going salmon, growing to giant proportions and migrating up the streams…

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  • Destruction of Demand: How to Shrink Our Energy Footprint

    – by Richard Heinberg, November 4, 2014, Post Carbon Institute The human economy is currently too big to be sustainable. We know this because Global Footprint Network, which methodically tracks the relevant data, informs us that humanity is now using 1.5 Earths’ worth of resources. We can temporarily use resources faster than Earth regenerates them only by…

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  • Doctor’s Orders: Wood Burning Hazardous to Your Health

    – by Dr. Brian Moench, Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment Civilization orchestrates the curbing of one person’s freedoms for the protection of others and the greater good. When two people’s freedoms are mutually exclusive, civilization embraces the concept that the freedom to not be harmed by others takes precedence. Traffic laws, zoning ordinances, and…

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  • $181,000 Fine for Ethanol Air Pollution in Albany, NY

    – by Brian Nearing, December 12, 2014, Times Union An oil terminal operator at the Port of Albany has been hit with a $181,000 penalty by the state Department of Environmental Conservation for air pollution violations that lasted nearly a year. Buckeye Partners failed to properly control vapor emissions from ethanol — a corn-based biofuel used as a gasoline…

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  • Covanta Settles for $536,211 in Lawsuit Over Biomass Ash Testing

    -December 11, 2014, Bakersfield Californian District attorneys from eight California counties announced Thursday the settlement of a civil environmental enforcement action against three subsidiaries of a New Jersey-based company. The settlement covers Covanta Energy LLC’s Kern County biomass energy facility in Delano, along with other company facilities in Mendota and Oroville. Kern County will receive about…

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  • Study: Thinning Forests for Bioenergy Can Worsen Climate

    A new study out of the Geos Institute in Ashland, Oregon concludes that selectively logging or “thinning” forests for bioenergy can increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and exacerbate climate change. The study, “Thinning Combined With Biomass Energy Production May Increase, Rather Than Reduce, Greenhouse Gas Emissions,” by D.A. DellaSala and M. Koopman, challenges…

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  • Zero Waste to Landfill: How Incinerators Get Promoted

    – by Caroline Eader The incinerator industry promotes a false belief that the only choices we have in handling our waste is to either burn it for energy or to bury it in a landfill. The existence of what is known as a “waste-to-energy” (WTE) facility does not eliminate the need for a landfill. First,…

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  • Biomass Power Facilities Idle for Months

    One of biomass energy’s main selling points is that it’s a baseload source of energy available 24/7, unlike solar and wind. Despite these promises–and hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer subsidies, grants and loans–several biomass power facilities across the U.S. have been sitting idle for months at a time, thanks to fires, equipment failure,…

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