• Energy Justice Network – Intellectual Property / Creative Commons License for Use

    Intellectual Property & Creative Commons License for Use [NOTE: Simply linking to any part of our website, unless we specifically inform you otherwise, is permitted and welcome, with no permission required.] The Energy Justice Network makes available information that is the product of our own research and writing, but also makes available the works of…

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  • Our first victory of 2017! Hazardous waste incinerator defeated in the heart of gasland.

    Our first victory of 2017! Hazardous waste incinerator defeated in the heart of gasland.

    On March 29th, 2017, a rural township in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, passed a local clean air law based on one we drafted for them in June 2016. It may be the first in the country to contain a “citizen suit” provision, allowing any Township resident or taxpayer to sue to enforce the ordinance if the…

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  • Pennsylvania College Students Tell Wolf: No New Pipelines, Green Jobs Now

    On Monday, students from 19 Pennsylvania colleges and universities delivered a statement to Governor Tom Wolf’s Capitol office demanding no new natural gas pipelines and immediate investment in green jobs. The students are attending Pennsylvania Student Power Spring Break near Harrisburg, an alternative spring break program for students working on social, economic, and environmental justice…

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  • Environmental Justice and Your Block

    Environmental Justice and Your Block

    We wanted to create a visualization that shows how income varies by block to facilitate community environmental justice organizing. In some neighborhoods there are major differences between blocks, and these differences are used by corporations to decide what blocks to target with toxic facilities. So we recently finished a highly experimental layer that estimates median…

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  • Trash Incineration and Climate Change: Debunking EPA Misinformation

    Trash incineration is incredibly bad for the climate, releasing 2.5 times as much carbon dioxide CO2 to make the same amount of electricity as a coal power plant. This is evidenced by national data compiled by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in their eGRID database. However, the industry, with the support of the EPA,…

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  • Incinerator Victory in Muncy, Pennsylvania!

    Incinerator Victory in Muncy, Pennsylvania!

    Just in time for the holidays, residents of the rural town of Muncy, PA just had their local borough council pass into law a set-back distance ordinance we wrote. It prohibits any new facilities requiring a state air pollution or waste permit from locating within 900 feet of an occupied dwelling, school, park, or playground. This effectively…

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  • Incinerator Victory in Prince George’s County, Maryland!

    Robin Lewis,Energy Justice Network Organizer Prince George’s County, Maryland — the nation’s wealthiest African-American county, just outside of Washington, DC — has been courting waste incinerator companies to build a new facility in a community that already has multiple landfills and the state’s only sewage sludge incinerator.  Energy Justice Network has been campaigning against this…

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  • Maryland, Maryland, Quite Contrary-land

    Since 2011, Maryland has been notorious for being the only state to classify trash as equivalent to wind power in a renewable energy mandate. Over half of the “renewable” energy used to meet the mandate still comes from smokestacks at paper mills, landfills, trash, and biomass incinerators in 12 states spanning New Jersey to Wisconsin to Tennessee.…

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  • Zero Waste Hierarchy

    You’ve probably heard the term Zero Waste before, but not been sure about what it meant The peer-reviewed definition of Zero Waste by Zero Waste International Alliance involves “designing and managing products and processes to systematically avoid and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve and recover all resources, and not burn or bury…

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  • Spatial Justice Tests

    – by Aaron Kreider, Energy Justice Network  One of the main goals of Energy Justice Network’s Justice Map project is to demonstrate the role that income and race play in the siting of dirty facilities. You can use Justice Map (by clicking on Advanced Mode) to analyze the race and income of people who live within, say,…

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EJ Communities Map

Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

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