• Waste Done Right

    – by Ruth Tyson, Energy Justice Network In 2012, Americans disposed of 251 million tons of trash, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Story of Stuff Project neatly lays out the way materials move through our economy from extraction to production, distribution, consumption, and disposal. Most consumers don’t think beyond the “consumption”…

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  • Families Get $4 Million For Fracking Water Contamination

    In March, a federal jury awarded a total of $4.2 million to two families from Dimock, Pennsylvania whose drinking water wells have been contaminated by Cabot Oil and Gas when drilling for natural gas. “It’s been a battle,” said plaintiff Scott Ely, co-plaintiff with Ray Hubert, in a lawsuit against Cabot filed in 2009. “You’re…

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  • Constitution Pipeline Permit Denied

    – April 22, 2016, Energy Justice Network On April 22, the New York Department of Conservation refused to issue a water quality permit for the Constitution Pipeline, a 124 mile pipeline that would’ve carried natural gas from the Marcellus shale in Pennsylvania to New York State. Accompanied by heavily armed U.S. Marshals wearing bulletproof vests, a Constitution Pipeline…

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  • How To Reduce Premature Deaths Linked to Environmental Risks

    [Phasing out combustion-based energy such as fossil fuels and biomass energy can save lives] – by Nancy C. Loeb and Juliet S. Sorensen, April 8, 2016, Truthout [[{“type”:”media”,”view_mode”:”media_large”,”fid”:”542″,”attributes”:{“alt”:””,”class”:”media-image”,”style”:”width: 333px; height: 221px; margin: 3px 10px; float: left;”,”title”:”Photo: Gianluca Di Natale”}}]]Millions of deaths around the world are preventable every year without any additional spending on research for treatment.…

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  • Baltimore Incinerator Proposal Permit Yanked

    On March 17, the permit for the Energy Answers trash incinerator planned for the Curtis Bay neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland was declared invalid by the Maryland Department of the Environment, capping years of protest from local residents and a student-led organization, Free Your Voice, part of United Workers. The proposed incinerator would be the largest in the nation,…

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  • Maine Towns Vote Whether to Burn Trash or Make Biogas

    Actually, there’s a third (and better) option and it’s called Zero Waste. – by Andy O’Brien, April 7, 2016, The Free Press On March 31, 2018, it will no longer be economical for midcoast towns to send their household trash to the  Penobscot Energy Recovery Co. (PERC) incinerator in Orrington. That’s the date when the facility loses…

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  • Energy Information Administration: Trash Incineration About Disposal, Not Energy

    The federal government’s U.S. Energy Information Adminstration puts to rest the idea that “waste-to-energy” facilities exist to create electricity, instead admitting that their main function is to dispose of trash, with electricity as a byproduct. – April 6, 2016, U.S. Energy Information Administration At the end of 2015, the United States had 71 waste-to-energy (WTE)…

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  • 2 arrested – Sunoco cutting trees for Mariner 2 pipeline route

    Sunoco is rapidly cutting down trees on the Gerhart’s property in central PA to make way for more gas to be shipped overseas. Two people were arrested today, one student from Juniata College, who is alleged to have crossed into the claimed Mariner East 2 pipeline right-of-way to warn crews that a tree they were…

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  • Trash Incineration in Prince George’s County?

    Prince George’s County is courting “waste-to-energy” (WTE) corporations to build new waste facilities that will pollute our community. Currently our trash goes to the Brown Station Sanitary Landfill in Upper Marlboro, which is scheduled to fill up and close in 5 years at current dumping rates. The County’s Department of the Environment is moving toward…

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  • How To Fight a Pipeline

    – by Alex Lotorto, Energy Justice Network Energy Justice Network is on the cutting edge of fighting fracking and related infrastructure in the northeast. It’s a special organizing challenge to fight pipelines, as we’re fighting a line, not a point, on the map. Companies and agencies won’t release data listing all impacted landowners. In Pennsylvania,…

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