HR 4 EH 1st Session H. R. 4 AN ACT
(b) TABLE OF CONTENTS- The table of contents for this Act is as follows:
Sec. 2. Energy policy. DIVISION A
TITLE I--ENERGY CONSERVATIONSubtitle A--Reauthorization of Federal Energy Conservation Programs
Subtitle B--Federal Leadership in Energy Conservation
Sec. 122. Enhancement and extension of authority relating to Federal energy savings performance contracts. Sec. 123. Clarification and enhancement of authority to enter utility incentive programs for energy savings. Sec. 124. Federal central air conditioner and heat pump efficiency. Sec. 125. Advanced building efficiency testbed. Sec. 126. Use of interval data in Federal buildings. Sec. 127. Review of Energy Savings Performance Contract program. Sec. 128. Capitol complex. Subtitle C--State ProgramsSubtitle D--Energy Efficiency for Consumer Products
Sec. 141A. Energy sun renewable and alternative energy program. Sec. 142. Labeling of energy efficient appliances. Sec. 143. Appliance standards. Subtitle E--Energy Efficient VehiclesSubtitle F--Other ProvisionsTITLE II--AUTOMOBILE FUEL ECONOMY
Sec. 202. Consideration of prescribing different average fuel economy standards for nonpassenger automobiles. Sec. 203. Dual fueled automobiles. Sec. 204. Fuel economy of the Federal fleet of automobiles. Sec. 205. Hybrid vehicles and alternative vehicles. Sec. 206. Federal fleet petroleum-based nonalternative fuels. Sec. 207. Study of feasibility and effects of reducing use of fuel for automobiles. TITLE III--NUCLEAR ENERGY
Sec. 302. Cost recovery from Government agencies. Sec. 303. Depleted uranium hexafluoride. Sec. 304. Nuclear Regulatory Commission meetings. Sec. 305. Cooperative research and development and special demonstration projects for the uranium mining industry. Sec. 306. Maintenance of a viable domestic uranium conversion industry. Sec. 307. Paducah decontamination and decommissioning plan. Sec. 308. Study to determine feasibility of developing commercial nuclear energy production facilities at existing department of energy sites. Sec. 309. Prohibition of commercial sales of uranium by the United States until 2009. TITLE IV--HYDROELECTRIC ENERGYTITLE V--FUELSTITLE VI--RENEWABLE ENERGYTITLE VII--PIPELINESTITLE VIII--MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
Sec. 2002. Findings. Sec. 2003. Purposes. Sec. 2004. Goals. Sec. 2005. Definitions. Sec. 2006. Authorizations. Sec. 2007. Balance of funding priorities. TITLE I--ENERGY CONSERVATION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCYSubtitle A--Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Sec. 2102. Definitions. Sec. 2103. Pilot program. Sec. 2104. Reports to Congress. Sec. 2105. Authorization of appropriations. Subtitle B--Distributed Power Hybrid Energy Systems
Sec. 2122. Definitions. Sec. 2123. Strategy. Sec. 2124. High power density industry program. Sec. 2125. Micro-cogeneration energy technology. Sec. 2126. Program plan. Sec. 2127. Report. Sec. 2128. Voluntary consensus standards. Subtitle C--Secondary Electric Vehicle Battery Use
Sec. 2132. Establishment of secondary electric vehicle battery use program. Sec. 2133. Authorization of appropriations. Subtitle D--Green School Buses
Sec. 2142. Establishment of pilot program. Sec. 2143. Fuel cell bus development and demonstration program. Sec. 2144. Authorization of appropriations. Subtitle E--Next Generation Lighting Initiative
Sec. 2152. Definition. Sec. 2153. Next Generation Lighting Initiative. Sec. 2154. Study. Sec. 2155. Grant program. Subtitle F--Department of Energy Authorization of Appropriations
Subtitle G--Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air and Radiation Authorization of Appropriations
Sec. 2172. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 2173. Limits on use of funds. Sec. 2174. Cost sharing. Sec. 2175. Limitation on demonstration and commercial applications of energy technology. Sec. 2176. Reprogramming. Sec. 2177. Budget request format. Sec. 2178. Other provisions. Subtitle H--National Building Performance Initiative
Sec. 2202. Purposes. Sec. 2203. Definitions. Sec. 2204. Reports to Congress. Sec. 2205. Hydrogen research and development. Sec. 2206. Demonstrations. Sec. 2207. Technology transfer. Sec. 2208. Coordination and consultation. Sec. 2209. Advisory Committee. Sec. 2210. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 2211. Repeal. Subtitle B--Bioenergy
Sec. 2222. Findings. Sec. 2223. Definitions. Sec. 2224. Authorization. Sec. 2225. Authorization of appropriations. Subtitle C--Transmission Infrastructure Systems
Sec. 2242. Program plan. Sec. 2243. Report. Subtitle D--Department of Energy Authorization of Appropriations
TITLE III--NUCLEAR ENERGYSubtitle A--University Nuclear Science and Engineering
Sec. 2302. Findings. Sec. 2303. Department of Energy program. Sec. 2304. Authorization of appropriations. Subtitle B--Advanced Fuel Recycling Technology Research and Development Program
Subtitle C--Department of Energy Authorization of Appropriations
Sec. 2342. Nuclear Energy Plant Optimization program. Sec. 2343. Nuclear energy technologies. Sec. 2344. Authorization of appropriations. TITLE IV--FOSSIL ENERGYSubtitle A--Coal
Subtitle B--Oil and Gas
Sec. 2422. Gas. Sec. 2423. Natural gas and oil deposits report. Sec. 2424. Oil shale research. Subtitle C--Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Drilling
Sec. 2442. Definitions. Sec. 2443. Ultra-deepwater program. Sec. 2444. National Energy Technology Laboratory. Sec. 2445. Advisory Committee. Sec. 2446. Research Organization. Sec. 2447. Grants. Sec. 2448. Plan and funding. Sec. 2449. Audit. Sec. 2450. Fund. Sec. 2451. Sunset. Subtitle D--Fuel Cells
Subtitle E--Department of Energy Authorization of Appropriations
TITLE V--SCIENCESubtitle A--Fusion Energy Sciences
Sec. 2502. Findings. Sec. 2503. Plan for fusion experiment. Sec. 2504. Plan for fusion energy sciences program. Sec. 2505. Authorization of appropriations. Subtitle B--Spallation Neutron Source
Sec. 2522. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 2523. Report. Sec. 2524. Limitations. Subtitle C--Facilities, Infrastructure, and User Facilities
Sec. 2542. Facility and infrastructure support for nonmilitary energy laboratories. Sec. 2543. User facilities. Subtitle D--Advisory Panel on Office of Science
Sec. 2562. Report. Subtitle E--Department of Energy Authorization of Appropriations
TITLE VI--MISCELLANEOUSSubtitle A--General Provisions for the Department of Energy
Sec. 2602. Limits on use of funds. Sec. 2603. Cost sharing. Sec. 2604. Limitation on demonstration and commercial application of energy technology. Sec. 2605. Reprogramming. Subtitle B--Other Miscellaneous Provisions
Sec. 2612. Limits on general plant projects. Sec. 2613. Limits on construction projects. Sec. 2614. Authority for conceptual and construction design. Sec. 2615. National Energy Policy Development Group mandated reports. Sec. 2616. Periodic reviews and assessments. DIVISION C
Sec. 3102. Extension and expansion of credit for electricity produced from renewable resources. Sec. 3103. Credit for qualified stationary fuel cell powerplants. Sec. 3104. Alternative motor vehicle credit. Sec. 3105. Extension of deduction for certain refueling property. Sec. 3106. Modification of credit for qualified electric vehicles. Sec. 3107. Tax credit for energy efficient appliances. Sec. 3108. Credit for energy efficiency improvements to existing homes. Sec. 3109. Business credit for construction of new energy efficient home. Sec. 3110. Allowance of deduction for energy efficient commercial building property. Sec. 3111. Allowance of deduction for qualified energy management devices and retrofitted qualified meters. Sec. 3112. Three-year applicable recovery period for depreciation of qualified energy management devices. Sec. 3113. Energy credit for combined heat and power system property. Sec. 3114. New nonrefundable personal credits allowed against regular and minimum taxes. Sec. 3115. Phaseout of 4.3-cent motor fuel excise taxes on railroads and inland waterway transportation which remain in general fund. Sec. 3116. Reduced motor fuel excise tax on certain mixtures of diesel fuel. Sec. 3117. Credit for investment in qualifying advanced clean coal technology. Sec. 3118. Credit for production from qualifying advanced clean coal technology. TITLE II--RELIABILITY
Sec. 3202. Natural gas distribution lines treated as 10-year property. Sec. 3203. Petroleum refining property treated as 7-year property. Sec. 3204. Expensing of capital costs incurred in complying with environmental protection agency sulfur regulations. Sec. 3205. Environmental tax credit. Sec. 3206. Determination of small refiner exception to oil depletion deduction. Sec. 3207. Tax-exempt bond financing of certain electric facilities. Sec. 3208. Sales or dispositions to implement Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or State electric restructuring policy. Sec. 3209. Distributions of stock to implement Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or State electric restructuring policy. Sec. 3210. Modifications to special rules for nuclear decommissioning costs. Sec. 3211. Treatment of certain income of cooperatives. Sec. 3212. Repeal of requirement of certain approved terminals to offer dyed diesel fuel and kerosene for nontaxable purposes. Sec. 3213. Arbitrage rules not to apply to prepayments for natural gas. TITLE III--PRODUCTION
Sec. 3302. Temporary suspension of limitation based on 65 percent of taxable income and extension of suspension of taxable income limit with respect to marginal production. Sec. 3303. Deduction for delay rental payments. Sec. 3304. Election to expense geological and geophysical expenditures. Sec. 3305. Five-year net operating loss carryback for losses attributable to operating mineral interests of oil and gas producers. Sec. 3306. Extension and modification of credit for producing fuel from a nonconventional source. Sec. 3307. Business related energy credits allowed against regular and minimum tax. Sec. 3308. Temporary repeal of alternative minimum tax preference for intangible drilling costs. Sec. 3309. Allowance of enhanced recovery credit against the alternative minimum tax. Sec. 3310. Extension of certain benefits for energy-related businesses on Indian reservations. DIVISION D
Sec. 4102. Increase of CDBG public services cap for energy conservation and efficiency activities. Sec. 4103. FHA mortgage insurance incentives for energy efficient housing. Sec. 4104. Public housing capital fund. Sec. 4105. Grants for energy-conserving improvements for assisted housing. Sec. 4106. North American Development Bank. DIVISION E
Sec. 5001. Findings. Sec. 5002. Definitions. Sec. 5003. Clean coal power initiative. Sec. 5004. Cost and performance goals. Sec. 5005. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 5006. Project criteria. Sec. 5007. Study. Sec. 5008. Clean coal centers of excellence. DIVISION F
Sec. 6102. Inventory of energy production potential of all Federal public lands. Sec. 6103. Review of regulations to eliminate barriers to emerging energy technology. Sec. 6104. Interagency agreement on environmental review of interstate natural gas pipeline projects. Sec. 6105. Enhancing energy efficiency in management of Federal lands. Sec. 6106. Efficient infrastructure development. TITLE II--OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENTSubtitle A--Offshore Oil and Gas
Sec. 6202. Lease sales in Western and Central Planning Area of the Gulf of Mexico. Sec. 6203. Savings clause. Sec. 6204. Analysis of Gulf of Mexico field size distribution, international competitiveness, and incentives for development. Subtitle B--Improvements to Federal Oil and Gas Management
Sec. 6222. Study of impediments to efficient lease operations. Sec. 6223. Elimination of unwarranted denials and stays. Sec. 6224. Limitations on cost recovery for applications. Sec. 6225. Consultation with Secretary of Agriculture. Subtitle C--Miscellaneous
Sec. 6232. Program on oil and gas royalties in kind. Sec. 6233. Marginal well production incentives. Sec. 6234. Reimbursement for costs of NEPA analyses, documentation, and studies. Sec. 6235. Encouragement of State and provincial prohibitions on off-shore drilling in the Great Lakes. TITLE III--GEOTHERMAL ENERGY DEVELOPMENT
Sec. 6302. Exemption from royalties for direct use of low temperature geothermal energy resources. Sec. 6303. Amendments relating to leasing on Forest Service lands. Sec. 6304. Deadline for determination on pending noncompetitive lease applications. Sec. 6305. Opening of public lands under military jurisdiction. Sec. 6306. Application of amendments. Sec. 6307. Review and report to Congress. Sec. 6308. Reimbursement for costs of NEPA analyses, documentation, and studies. TITLE IV--HYDROPOWER
Sec. 6402. Installation of powerformer at Folsom power plant, California. Sec. 6403. Study and implementation of increased operational efficiencies in hydroelectric power projects. Sec. 6404. Shift of project loads to off-peak periods. TITLE V--ARCTIC COASTAL PLAIN DOMESTIC ENERGY
Sec. 6502. Definitions. Sec. 6503. Leasing program for lands within the Coastal Plain. Sec. 6504. Lease sales. Sec. 6505. Grant of leases by the Secretary. Sec. 6506. Lease terms and conditions. Sec. 6507. Coastal Plain environmental protection. Sec. 6508. Expedited judicial review. Sec. 6509. Rights-of-way across the Coastal Plain. Sec. 6510. Conveyance. Sec. 6511. Local government impact aid and community service assistance. Sec. 6512. Revenue allocation. TITLE VI--CONSERVATION OF ENERGY BY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
Sec. 6602. Amendment to Buy Indian Act. TITLE VII--COAL
Sec. 6702. Mining plans. Sec. 6703. Payment of advance royalties under coal leases. Sec. 6704. Elimination of deadline for submission of coal lease operation and reclamation plan. TITLE VIII--INSULAR AREAS ENERGY SECURITY
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