National Library of Medicine MEDLINE Database

TITL: Outbreak of copper poisoning in cattle fed poultry litter.

AUTH: Tokarnia CH; Dobereiner J; Peixoto PV; Moraes SS

ORGA: Projeto Sanidade Animal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Seropedica, Brazil.

PUB TYPE: Journal Article.

CITE: Vet Hum Toxicol 2000 Apr; 42 (2): 92-5

LANG: ENG; English

ABST: In a feedlot of about 1,000 head of cattle, 146 animals died within a period of a few months affected by a disease characterized by anorexia, icterus, hemoglobinuria, constipation, or diarrhea. The clinical course of the disease lasted a few days. Postmortem findings were generalized icterus and a yellow discolored liver. The kidneys were dark brown, and the urinary bladder was filled with urine of the same dark-brown color. The main histopathological findings were centrolobular coagulative necrosis, apoptosis, bilestasis, and proliferation of bile ducts in the portal space. Changes in the kidneys included nephrosis and the presence of bile and precipitates, and cylinders of albumin and of hemoglobin in the uriniferous tubules. Liver samples, collected from 3 animals on which postmortem examinations were performed, had 2,008, 2,783 and 4,906 ppm copper in their dry matter. Two samples of poultry litter fed to the cattle contained 362 and 323 ppm copper. The green forage that formed the rest of their feed only had 4.7 ppm copper. Copper poisoning was diagnosed, most probably caused by feeding litter from poultry that had been fed a ration treated with copper sulfate to avoid aspergillosis.

MJTR: Animal Feed, adverse effects. Cattle Diseases, chemically induced. Copper, poisoning. Disease Outbreaks, veterinary. Manure. Poisoning, veterinary. Poultry.

MNTR: Animal. Animal Feed, analysis. Brazil, epidemiology. Case Report. Cattle. Cattle Diseases, epidemiology. Copper, analysis. Fatal Outcome. Grasses, chemistry. Kidney, drug effects. Kidney, pathology. Liver, chemistry. Liver, drug effects. Liver, pathology. Manure, analysis. Poisoning, epidemiology. Poisoning, etiology.

RNUM: 0 (Manure); 7440-50-8 (Copper)



ACCE: 20213758

PMID: 10750174