Here's a potent new idea for grass roots activists who want to
influence politicians and the public: make radio spots and air
them as public service announcements or, for a few hundred
dollars, buy air time. This video makes the case that radio
advertising is the cheapest, most effective and least-used way to
get your message out to a mass audience, throwing light, heat and
pressure on your adversaries. Not convinced it's effective?
Afraid it's over your head or over your budget? Buy or rent the
video tape, Guerilla Media, from Varied Directions, Inc., 69 Elm
Street, Camden, Maine 04843; phone (207) 236-8506. This video
will convince you that making radio spots is cheap, easy and an
effective force for winning your local fight. It sells for $299
but rents for seven days for $75. Your group wouldn't be making
a mistake to invest $75 in renting this video. As you watch the
tape, pay careful attention and take notes. You'll find a bundle
of good ideas packed into this 90-minute tape.
--Peter Montague, Ph.D.
Descriptor terms: video; radio; advertising; publicity; mass media; tactics; ads; public relations;