The workplace is becoming more hazardous, according to the
federal Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics. The
Bureau says 190,000 workers suffered new illnesses for the first
time during 1987, an increase of 28% over the 136,900 new cases
of job-related illness reported in 1986. Most of these illnesses
involve noise-related hearing loss, skin diseases [presumably
related to chemical exposures], and repetitive motion ailments. A
total of 3,400 workers were killed on the job during 1987, and
nearly six million (5,843,100) were injured on the job; half the
injuries were so severe that employees lost a full day or more of
work; the total time lost to injuries was 48.8 million
worker-days. This means that 83 out of every thousand workers
were injured on the job during 1987, a 5% increase compared to
1986 when 79 out of every 1000 workers were injured. --NEW YORK
TIMES 11/16/88 (881116), pg. A14.
--Peter Montague, Ph.D.
Descriptor terms: occupational safety and health; labor; workplace hazards; bls; bureau of labor statistics; health effects; drinking water; studies; cancers; clusters; children;