Philadelphia Inquirer Series "Beyond the Flames"
about the 1978 Wade Dump Fire in Chester PA

If it's not visible, see below.

The Story
Part one
The Fire
Part two
The Dump
Part three Aftermath
Part four Cancers
Part five
Paper Trail
Part six
Moose Dies
Part seven
Gag Order
Part eight Who's Next
About this series
In their own words
Making of a disaster
The sick and the dead
Cancer Incidence
Chemicals at the site
Companies with waste at the site:
By Name

By Gallons
By Location

One toxic dump, two decades of sorrow

More than 200 firefighters, police and paramedics answered the call when the fire erupted under the Commodore Barry Bridge on February 2, 1978. No one told them they were wading into one of the worst illegal chemical dumps in the nation. Today, disease is decimating the ranks of those who fought the blaze, according to an Inquirer investigation that traced nearly all who had been there. Serious illnesses - cancer, vascular and neuromuscular disorders, kidney failure - have afflicted at least 45, about one in five. Of those, 28 are dead.

View the original articles at The Philadelphia Inquirer online