Sign-Waving in Front of Department of Health Building Hilo
When: Friday, February 1, 2019 at 4 p.m.
Where: Department of Health, 1582 Hawaii Belt Rd., Hilo (Next to Coqui’s Hideaway)
Hū Honua will irreversibly destroy Hāmākua and North Hilo’s resources and affect the quality of life forever. Our water is being threatened by a company that has already illegally polluted our waterways through chemical discharges. And we are facing a climate crisis — burning trees that will release immense amounts of carbon into our atmosphere is not only irresponsible but the wrong path forward for Hawaii’s clean energy future.
We will be sign-Waving in front of DOH Clean Water Branch in Hilo to call on DOH to not give Hū Honua a free pass by accepting their permits for wastewater discharge and injection wells.