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Category: Voices
Democratic Party of Hawaii – Melodie Aduja Testimony
O`ahu County Committee on Legislative Priorities November 21, 2018 via email: Dear Mr. Anderson: RE: HU HONUA BIOENERGY, LLC In addition to the testimony of the O`ahu County Committee on Legislative Priorities (OCCLP) of the Democratic Party of Hawaii (“DPH”), submitted on November 14, 2018, the OCCLP submits its supplemental memorandum contained herein. OCCLP…
Plant Workers Whisteblow on Hū Honua’s Unethical Coverup of Chemical Spills
Background Several members of the iron workers union made a surprise appearance at a Nov. 14 Dept. of Health hearing on whether to issue wastewater discharge permits to Hu Honua Bioenergy on the Hamakua coast. At the hearing, the iron workers said that an enormous amount (around 60,000 gallons) of a dark green chemical has…
Kū Kahakalau and Lanakila Mangauil Speak Out Against Hū Honua and Its Assault on Hawaiian Values
“In my opinion, when a project or a company has no connection with Hawaiian Values and our Hawaiian way of life, it should not have a Hawaiian name. To my knowledge, there is nothing Hawaiian about this company. In fact, their actions are blatantly ANTI-“honua ola.” They’re here to make money at the expense of our…
Waikoloa Resident Speaks Out Against Hū Honua – Informative Links Included
“Aloha, I oppose DOH issuing a National Pollutants Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit No. HI S000557 for Hu Honua ‘s stormwater outfalls. Hu Honua must conduct an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS.) The stormwater outfalls are on public land. Their actions and plans clearly show there are environmental impacts. Please conduct a PUBLIC HEARING. You need…
- Opposed to Hū Honua Project Permitting
Please sign our petition at! It says, “I oppose issuance of the NPDES Permit No. HI S000557 for stormwater runoff. I urge you to hold a public hearing on this destruction of our valuable natural resources. In addition, for Hu Honua injection wells, please require a NPDES permit, and hold a public hearing.” Hu…
Hū Honua’s Cooling Water & Industrial Waste Water Process Flow & Chemical Composition
Comments and questions RE: Hu Honua’s Cooling Water & Industrial Waste Water Process Flow & Chemical Composition report, attached. 1) The 3,000 oil/solid separator is missing from all of the diagrams and charts in Hu Honua’s Cooling Water & Industrial Waste Water Process Flow & Chemical Composition report, pgs 7-12. 2) There will be ash…
Strong Letter from Hāmākua Resident Opposed to Hū Honua Project
I am a resident of Hawaii Island, Hamakua District, and am extremely concerned about the need for alternative energy on our island, but I am even more resolute that our designated government agencies fulfill their legislated obligations to maintain the vitality of the environment, water, air and land, and community resources and quality of life.…
Letter from EPA In Response to Call for Better Regulation of Wastewater Discharge from Hū Honua
“Attached is a letter I got earlier this year from Alexis Strauss at EPA Region 9 on this issue of getting HDOH to shift review from UIC to NPDES permitting review where a direct hydrologic connection is likely. Again, this is consistent with the official position of EPA and DOJ in their brief before the…
The fishermen of Pepeʻekeo express concerns about Hū Honua
“I am writing on behalf of my ʻohana and many of the fisherman of Pepeʻekeo. I am part of the Pepeʻekeo Fishing Association and we are very concerned about the impact that Hu Honuaʻs operation may have on the nearshore fishery stocks. We are requesting a public hearing under HRS Chapter 91.This hearing is necessary…
Hū Honua thermal effects report must be revised to 36 MW based on AR PPA
Pg. 14 of the PUC’s Docket 17-0122, Decision and Order, regarding Hu Honua and HELCO’s amended and restated power purchase agreement (“AR PPA”) confirms that the new contract cost is based on an average dispatch of 200,000 KW hours [per year]. That would not include parasitic electricity used to run the power plant. Hu Honua…