Can DOH at least have Hu Honua’s consultant run the same simulation at condenser flow spent cooling water flow and temperature at 1500 gallons per minute at 96.2 degrees F or 35.66 degrees C– that is at 34 MWh loads/ no low loads as the next to worse case senario?
Remember, everything above 21.5 MW commited capacity is “free” electricity. The pricing structure of the A&R PPA that was crafted by Hu Honua and accepted by HELCO and approved by the PUC is calculated using an average of 200,000 mega watt hours (“MWh”) of electricity dispatched to the grid a year; with a high fixed component/low variable component structure that poses a risk to the consumer if Hu Honua’s electricity is underutilized by HELCO. Therefore, the PUC stated in its Decision and Order that it will be insuring that HELCO gives preference to Hu Honua’s electricity and correspondingly, that the Hu Honua power plant is operated at high loads. Substantial impacts to the environment, specifically the adverse impacts to the bottom biological community (including burrowing species) and the reproduction of fish, most likely will result from Hu Honua operating at high loads to meet an average yearly dispatch of 200,000 MWh. Its simple math.
What matters is the daily high temperature of the thermal waste water.
– Claudia Rohr
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