“We have an unlined 20 acre coal ash stockpile in Pepeekeo Hawaii (Big Island) left over from coal burning at the power plant that Hu Honua is converting to burn biomass. It is illegal in as much as it is on agricultural zoned and LUC land. It has no permits or approvals or EA or EIS. It was the result of a negotiated settlement between the Hawaii Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch and the then owner Hawaiian Rainbows. Property tax records show that some financial institution on the mainland now owns it. Hu Honua is discharging storm water from its log storage area (and contaminated soil where settling ponds used to be) through a culvert under Cane Haul road to Outfall 3. Outfall 3 needs to be included in new NPDES permit. The HEER office has the records about the contaminated soil, which Hu Honua was aware of.
This the opportunity to get two point sources covered and tested. I previously sent in Hu Honua’s DMRs from 2013 which in noncompliance with the then NPDES permit. Hu Honua contributed it to contaminated soil, which they spread around without a grading permit or NPDES NOI coverage.”
– Claudia Rohr

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