I oppose DOH issuing a National Pollutants Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit No. HI S000557 for Hu Honua ‘s stormwater outfalls.
Hu Honua must conduct an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS.) The stormwater outfalls are on public land. Their actions and plans clearly show there are environmental impacts.
Please conduct a PUBLIC HEARING. You need to hear from those who will be affected!
Our state has passed legislation to ensure we will be carbon neutral by 2045. And Democratic delegates to the state convention passed a resolution to stop this project. And studies show burning trees is worse than burning coal! vs Who supports this Biomass Energy plant in Hawaii County???? Follow the money?
If Hu Honua wins this fight and burns whole trees for energy, there is no way Hawaii can meet it’s goal of being carbon neutral by 2045.
Keep Hawaiian families health and welfare in mind. Keep our land and ocean in mind. Our government is supposed to be of the people, by the people, for the people! Do not substitute “corporations” for “people.”
Sincerely, Gail W Jackson
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